TypeFns, variadic generics, compile-time reflection, macro-like fns

I don't think that "it would be great for me" fits well with the design process of a general-purpose language used by many programmers. I notice that more and more people are trying to solve their problems by adding many very specific, narrow features to Rust instead of attempting to utilize the existing, already quite wide, general, and very useful palette of features.

For instance, you recently posted several such proposals (1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6). For some of them, you don't even seem to have been able to explain why you need the proposed feature, or why current solutions aren't viable (most notably, see [2] about traits).

I suggest (you and also others who have a similar record) that instead of coming up with more and more new features to be added to the language because you like them or you happen to have an idea, focus a bit more on studying the use cases of existing features and try to solve the problems you encounter using these, already-available parts of the language. This, and not the extension or modification of the language, should be the first tool you reach for when facing a challenge.