The parameter ordering of `Option::map_or_else` is unintuitive

Closures as a final argument

work(because {|then|
} );

but tacking those arguments at the end looks much worse.


And map_or doesn't satisfy this demand?

In my cursory inspection of the Rust stdlib I have yet to find a function that takes a single closure and puts a non-closure argument after the closure argument. I admit that I haven't done an exhaustive search of the stdlib, but all of the functions I can think of off the top of my head that take closures put the closures last.

I don't know what sort of evidence would satisfy you. The fact that map_or follows the closure-last convention seems like it should be sufficient to demonstrate that this closure-last convention is considered stronger than the subjective "I think the arguments should be in a different order based on the function name" claim.

In general, when a function takes a closure argument, it goes last because that aids readability when using multi-line closures., arg2, |x| {

is generally considered more readable than|x| {
}, arg1, arg2);

Not only that, but because we already seem to have a strong convention of putting the closure last, following this convention everywhere means that users can rely on it and not screw up parameter order (e.g. in map_or they know the closure goes last, so the default value must go first).

To everyone here debating about the parameter ordering of map_or, that was nowhere in my original complaint. Its parameter ordering is also unintuitive but it somewhat makes sense from a style standpoint. As far as Iā€™m concerned, thatā€™s taking this discussion off-topic.

However, map_or_else takes two closures, so the style argument doesnā€™t really apply. Itā€™s going to be clunky either way around. Putting the closures in logical order should make sense then, even if it is inconsistent with map_or.


I donā€™t think so ā€“ and especially in the case of map_or_else thereā€™s likely to be more calls.

Iā€™d rather map_or and map_or_else be consistent. I also think map_or should take its closure argument last. Which means I prefer the status quo.

I think reasonable people are going to disagree on this, which probably means itā€™s not worthwhile to make a breaking change.

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That logic seems kinda circular:

A: Could we swap map_or's arguments into a more logical order? B: No, because we have a convention to put closure arguments last even if a different order were more logical. A: Can you show me an example where this convention has been followed at the expense of being logical? B: map_or


Given that we get argument labels to Rust at some point, the following versions of map_or and map_or_else (where the closure is not the last element and things are in logical order) become possible and in my opinion are much more readable:

let value =
    if_some: |a| {
        a + 10
    else_value: 100

let value =
    if_some: |a| {
        a + 10
    else_map: |a| {
        a + 100
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For the record, I have bad memories of JavaScript functions that stick other arguments after closures - setTimeout, addEventListenerā€¦

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I donā€™t think function overload will be implemented, itā€™s just not rusty, so little chance we will see .map(if_some, else_value) and .map(if_some, else_map) as overloads.

I don't think that would be considered function overloading, because those argument labels take part in function name resolution. That is, the argument labels are kind of a part of the name of the function. (Given that they are mandatory, as opposed to optional, labels).

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