It would be nice to have sugar for wrapping structs in enums. Perhaps rust could derive the following two traits.
// Returns a reference to the wrapped struct "as A"
trait InnerAs<A: Send+Sync> {
fn inner_as(&self) -> Option<&A>;
// Wrap a struct to create an enum
trait FromInner<A> {
fn from_inner(inner: A) -> Self;
Here is a contrived example
trait Error {}
// Wrapped errors from submodule 1 and 2
pub struct Error1;
pub struct Error2;
impl Error for Error1 {}
impl Error for Error2 {}
// Error from present module
pub struct MyError {
pub description: Box<String>,
pub kind: MyErrorKind
// #[deriving(FromInner)]
// #[deriving(InnerAs(Error))]
pub enum MyErrorKind {
I would like rust to derive the following boiler plate code.
impl InnerAs<Error> for MyErrorKind {
fn inner_as<'a>(&'a self) -> Option<&'a Error> {
match *self {
CausedBy1(ref error1) => Some(error1 as &'a Error),
CausedBy2(ref error2) => Some(error2 as &'a Error),
SomethingElse => None,
Excuses => None,
Rust should complain if ErrorKind has a variant that contains more than 1 element
My code contains a lifetime error which is somehow caused by generics, but I hope that the general idea is clear
I would also like rust to derive the following boiler plate-code.
impl FromInner<Error1> for MyErrorKind {
fn from_inner(error1: Error1) -> MyErrorKind {
impl FromInner<Error2> for MyErrorKind {
fn from_inner(error2: Error2) -> MyErrorKind {
Rust should complain if any variant contains more than 1 element, or if it contains two variants with the same inner type
I believe that the code requires multicast
The syntax can probably be improved in many ways, but I like the general idea because it allows me to use match when I work with containers of structs that share a trait. Anyway I just wanted to throw the ideas in the air, hoping that someone would feel inspired to develop them in to an RFC.
EDIT: Typos layout language