Rust CI / release infrastructure changes

For those following along at home, rust-lang/rust CI is now gated on Travis and AppVeyor. #38598 was the first PR to go green on both CI systems and #38536 was the first PR merged via automation watching Travis and AppVeyor.

We’ve now merged 18 PRs with Travis + AppVeyor automation. The buildbot instances are still running and have remained green as well. If everything looks ok in a few weeks or so we’ll retire buildbot auto bots entirely.

There’s still a number of outstanding issues associated with the movement to Travis and AppVeyor. Notably we’ve seen some new spuriously failing tests:

Additionally the Travis/AppVeyor configuration isn’t quite as fast as I would like. My goal was a 2 hour limit on PRs, and currently the only matrix entry routinely slower than this is the arm-android image on Travis. I’ve sent a number of PRs to hopefully bring down this test time, however:

Hopefully when compounded with we can get under that 2 hour ceiling!

Please report any issues you see or just ping me on IRC, and if all goes well we’ll retire those buildbots soon! The next steps would be to mirror all of our release infrastructure on Travis/AppVeyor (which is already in the works).