AFAIK this has already been discussed a couple of times, but no definite design has been produced yet. See for example:
The problems start to appear when you want to do operations on that type. If you add 1
to a usize[.. N]
should you get a usize[1 .. N+1]
? Or an Option<usize[.. N]>
? Maybe just an usize
? Keeping track of these invariants also quickly becomes quite a lot of work for the compiler and for who needs to implement the feature.
ps: Regarding your specific piece of code, it can be optimized with this weird trick:
fn permutations_array<T, const N: usize>
(data: &[T; N]) -> impl Iterator<Item=[&T; N]> {
from_generator(move || {
if N == 0 { return; }
- let mut perm = from_fn(|i| i);
- yield|i| &data[i]); //1
+ let mut perm = from_fn(|i| &data[i]);
+ yield perm; //1
loop {
let mut i = N - 1;
- while perm[i - 1] >= perm[i] {
+ while perm[i - 1] as *const _ >= perm[i] as *const _ {
i -= 1;
if i < 1 { return; }
let mut j = N;
- while perm[j - 1] <= perm[i - 1] { j -= 1; }
+ while perm[j - 1] as *const _ <= perm[i - 1] as *const _ { j -= 1; }
perm.swap(i - 1, j - 1);
i += 1;
j = N;
perm[i - 1 .. j].reverse();
- yield|i| &data[i]); //2
+ yield perm; //2
Or, alternatively, you could define something like this, limiting the unsafe
to a very small interface (which is the very point of unsafe
mod bounded {
#[derive(Clone, Copy, PartialEq, Eq, PartialOrd, Ord)]
pub struct Bounded<const N: usize>(usize);
impl<const N: usize> Bounded<N> {
pub fn new(n: usize) -> Self {
assert!(n < N);
pub fn into_usize(&self) -> usize {
let n = self.0;
if !(n < N) {
unsafe { std::hint::unreachable_unchecked() };