Pre-RFC: variadic tuple


To implement some feature, we may want to use recursion over the arity of the tuple. For instance, let's implement a trait that gives the arity of a tuple as a const value:

trait Arity {
    const VALUE: usize;

impl<Head, (..#Tail)> Arity for (Head, ..#Tail) {
    default const VALUE: usize = <(..#Tail) as Arity>::VALUE + 1;
impl Arity for () {
    const VALUE: usize = 0;

I guess this example won't be work for Rust because Rust want to check generics before monomorphization.

While checking validity of <(..#Tail) as Arity>::VALUE + 1, there is no witness of (..#Tail) being Arity. Instead we could use specialization to ensure all variadic tuple type have instance of Arity:

impl<(..#Ts)> Arity for (..#Ts) {
    default const VALUE: usize = 0;
impl<Head, (..#Tail)> Arity for (Head, ..#Tail) {
    const VALUE: usize = <(..#Tail) as Arity>::VALUE + 1;

Similarly, the variadic tuple expansion can't be just an "expression template" and there must be a static semantics to be given. For example,

fn test<(..#Ts)>((..#t): (..#Ts)) {
  let s = String::new();
  (..#{ drop(s); t });

Defining test should be error because test<(i32, i32)>((0, 0)) expands to a double drop. However, expanded test<(i32)>((0,)) is valid and thus it is an approximate semantics in the sense.