Pre-RFC: Fixing Range by 2027

The piece to me that most says it shouldn't is analogy with indexing.

x[10..=0] (And especially things like off-by-one things like x[1..0]) not returning something is important, and it can't return the slice in the opposite order (since it needs to be the same type as x[0..1]).

So if x[1..0] doesn't return anything, I think 1..0 should also be empty.

I really like the approach of using newtypes to opt-in to reverse, where appropriate. Here's a sketch of doing that even for slices: rev_slice - Rust

(And there are perf costs to checking ranges for working in both directions that I think would be unacceptable in Rust -- I'd much rather people make their own CanGoBothWaysRange than FasterRange, like how String is the basic thing so other things can be built atop it cleanly.)