Pre-RFC: Anonymous variant types

A simpler alternative here is to just have:

ty ::= ... | ty_senum ;

ty_senum : "(" (ty "|")+ (ty "|"?)? ")" ;

as @CAD97 has noted.

The changes to the expression and pattern grammars are not defined.

Ostensibly you could write if let _::0(x, y, ...) = expr { .. } otherwise which seems more ergonomic and probably necessary to make it more ergonomic than creating new nominally typed enums.

This is not ambiguous, but requires at least backtracking with Worse, the backtracking here is not a corner case that is unlikely to arise, rather, it is quite likely to occur.

The most powerful solution is probably frunk::coproduct - Rust and should be mentioned.

Another way to have structurally typed coproducts is to have something like:

type Foo = Bar | Bar(u8, f32) | Quux { field: String };

let a_foo: Foo = Bar(1, 1.0);

match a_foo {
    Bar => expr,
    Bar(x, y) => expr,
    Quux { field } => expr,

As you can see, there are zero changes to the pattern and expression grammars. Only the type grammar changes.