Possible alternative compiler backend: Cretonne

heh, as a die-hard panic=abort-er I think more about optimizing Result than unwinding :)`, but yes this would work for both quite readily—its more or less “n-barrelled continuations”.

@nikomatsakis @brson @kripken @sunfishcode - Would any of you be at all interested in commenting on this (https://users.rust-lang.org/t/proposal-rllvm-rust-implementation-of-llvm/16021)?

Would you be interested in commenting on this (https://users.rust-lang.org/t/proposal-rllvm-rust-implementation-of-llvm/16021) and giving your opinion/justification as to why it would or would not be a reasonable thing to pursue (especially given what you’ve said here WRT Cretonne).

Would you be interested in commenting on this (https://users.rust-lang.org/t/proposal-rllvm-rust-implementation-of-llvm/16021).

Thanks for the heads up! I’ve now joined the conversation.


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