&own sugar/manual RVO

I should have been more clear. I meant

  • the implementation of 'a T would be a pointer
  • the syntax for its usage would be the same as used for non-reference types
// allocated in the scope associates with 'a
// possibly in a parent stack frame
// if indeed allocated in a parent stack frame
// our frame will contain a pointer to it
let 'a a = A{ a : 8u };

"Owning reference" &own 'a T would mean:

  • memory occupied by the value is borrowed and may possibly not outlive the lifetime of the reference
  • you still own the content of that memory
  • the pointer that you have in your hands is the only valid pointer to that memory
  • you can write to it
  • you can move out of it
  • assigning to another &own a' T is a move
  • if &own a' T is destroyed (was assigned to local variable in a scope and not moved out of it by end of the scope) then drop is executed

As pointed out by @dhm owning references can generally be implemented in user code now.

Above 'a was part of let binding. Could it instead be part of the type?

// struct allocated in a parent frame if 'a is fn's param
// the pointer to the newly allocated struct resides in current stack frame
// implementation of a is &own 'a A
// syntax for a is that of A
let a = 'a A{ a : 8u };

// pair allocated in the current stack frame
// 2nd element of the pair is a pointer
// that pointer points to a struct allocated in the stack frame associated with 'a
let pair = ( 8u, 'a A{ a : 8u } );

Having written this all I started thinking about Deref coercions