A lint specifically against “match ergonomics” does feel like dissensus to me, but there’s an implication in phaylon’s last few posts that this is an arbitrary distinction, and I think he’s on to something there.
I believe there are two concrete reasons why I personally get that impression from a match ergonomics lint but not from e.g. an unsafe code lint:
Timing and context. As @withoutboats put it: “The negative reaction I’ve seen on this and other issues in clippy has been to … just disable whole features through clippy right after they’re stabilized.” Phaylon’s last few posts here are the first time I’ve seen anyone suggest they only want to disable match ergonomics in some of their code, rather than completely disable the feature.
“match ergonomics” is not really an independent feature. It’s a change to type inference. Like “non-lexical lifetimes”, once it’s stabilised we’ll probably stop talking as if it’s a separate feature in need of a separate name. After all, that’s why we’re content to continue using a name that describes the motivation for the feature rather than the feature itself; it can’t mislead future novices if it’s going to disappear anyway.
#2 in particular makes me want to ask: @phaylon how would you feel about linting against all type inference in your most sensitive code?