Idea: Simpler method-syntax private helpers

A simpler (from the user’s perspective), but more radical approach could be to change the method call syntax resolution algorithm such that when resolving:


if every resolution method (inherent impls, trait methods) fails, the compiler will look for a free function in scope:

method(receiver, args...)

This requires zero changes to user code, and it should be backwards compatible since it is used as a fallback.

Another addition, for when the function is not in scope is to allow the caller to write:


This also has benefits for traits.


The first proposed mechanism has the following benefits:

  • It is general
  • It requires no changes to user code

It has the following drawbacks:

  • It could lead to questions for an unsuspecting reader:

    “where is this method defined? uh… can’t find it; <wait a bit> ooh, it is a free function!”

    I believe the main proposal in this thread should also suffer these drawbacks. (?)

    A mitigating factor is RLS and IDEs which can make it easier to find the definition of the called function.

Unresolved questions:

  • Does this interact in weird ways with Deref-coersion?
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