Idea: Concretizing Function `impl` Return Types

There's also been discussion of having a way for the compiler to do this for you in expressions, often called "enum impl trait":

The idea being then that you'd just be able to write something like

fn pick_impl(b: bool) -> impl Trait {
    enum if b {
    } else {

And the compiler would generate an enum automatically that delegated the trait.

(No marker in the signature, because it's no different from if you'd returned Either internally, but a marker in the expression to not regress the usual case where it's better to get an error for mismatched things -- with that error mentioning enum if as a way out, probably.)

The other thing you can do today, if you don't need to return it, is something like this:

let temp_0;
let temp_1;

let my_fn: &dyn Trait = 
    if predicate { temp_0 = make_trait_0(); &temp_0 }
    else{ temp_1 = make_trait_1(); &temp_1 };

to type-erase without needing to Box things.