Idea: Add borrows_(begin/end) to enable guard-less concurrency

Sure. Thanks for the feedback. I agree that would be more useful and expose more of the tradeoffs. I'll see if I can find/make some more compelling/realistic examples.

In the meantime, maybe I can make my strawman example more clear. Guards are pretty ubiquitous in Rust and I think the Borrows trait would give a way to bypass them in some cases. For example, here's how you'd have to interact with my "always" up-to-date lossy mpsc channel in current Rust:

fn main() {
    let (mut reader, writer) = Writer::new(0);
    let _ = std::thread::spawn(move || {
        let mut writer = writer;

    let guard =  reader.lock();
    println!("First call {:?}", guard);


    let guard =  reader.lock();
    println!("Second call {:?}", guard);

The caller has to contend with both the reader and the guard and manage both their lifetimes. I found this a bit burdensome when I first ran into it, but I have grown to appreciate it's explicitness.

However, if we had the Borrows trait this interaction could be simplified to:

fn main() {
    let (mut reader, writer) = Writer::new(0);
    let _ = std::thread::spawn(move || {
        let mut writer = writer;
    // borrow begins here
    println!("First call {:?}", reader);
    // borrow ends here
    // borrow begins here
    println!("Second call {:?}", reader);
    // borrow ends here

Here, the caller is able to express their desire to have the access to the data by directly asking the reader. The library author is able to trade-off explicitness about the lock in favor of a more direct interaction. This allows the caller to be able to think in terms of borrows instead having to manage guards.

For one-off situations I think an explicit guard is likely the preferred route. But for a data structure that draws significant usage within an application, eliminating the noise and overhead of guards may end up being a significant win.

Again, this is just an idea I've been noodling on, so if you want to ignore it until I flesh it out more, I'm totally fine with that. Thanks!