Function argument/parameter indentation

The point of having a whitespace-insignificant language is people are free to do whatever they want. Not sure why this is even in the style guide.

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Then I take it you won’t mind when we write code like this, @killerswan:

 unsafe  fn Foo( bar :bar ,baz:    BAZ
) -> () {
   if rand  ::      < bool
> {
          a( );
       b()} else

Strong conventions are categorically a Good Thing.


No, this is already a solved problem: see here.

So, now that we have where clauses, how do you guys format your code today?

Something like this?

pub fn sample<D, R, T>(
    length: uint,
    distribution: &D,
    rng: &mut R
) -> Vec<T>
        D: IndependentSample<T>,
        R: Rng,

I would be going for the same visual or hanging indent as I was going for earlier, ending up with, in most spaced-out, vidual-indent form, this:

pub fn sample<D, R, T>
             (length: uint,
              distribution: &D,
              rng: &mut R)
             -> Vec<T>
             where D: IndependentSample<T>,
                   R: Rng {

Or with hanging indent, something like this (though it’s somewhat negotiable; most notably, visual indent might be good for the where clause):

pub fn sample<D, R, T>(
        length: uint,
        distribution: &D,
        rng: &mut R)
        -> Vec<T>
        where D: IndependentSample<T>, R: Rng {

Aw damn, where clauses put a big monkey wrench right in the middle of that style :frowning: Could stick the where on the same line as the return type to avoid that extra indent, although it seems a bit weird, but it is better than any alternative I can think of.

pub fn sample<D, R, T>(
    length: uint,
    distribution: &D,
    rng: &mut R
) -> Vec<T> where
    D: IndependentSample<T>,
    R: Rng,
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One param per line, each ending with a comma. And, opening brace or where immediately following the return type declaration.

pub fn sample<D, R, T>(
    length: uint,
    distribution: &D,
    rng: &mut R,
) -> Vec<T> where
    D: IndependentSample<T>,
    R: Rng,

pub fn simple(
    foo: Foo,
    bar: Bar,
    baz: Baz,
) -> Qux {

Single indent on a new line after where works well, especially because the line with the where will often have a lot of other stuff:

fn long_function_name<T, U, V>(with: Args) -> Ret where
    Foo<T>: Something,
    U: Else,

Parameter lists are just that: lists. That is to say they should read either purely vertically or purely horizontally, otherwise there is a lot of cognitive strain as the brain has to work out where the next parameter begins.

let x = foo(value_a, value_b, value_c);

fn foo(
        long_arg1: T,
        long_arg2: T,
        long_arg3: T
) -> LongType {
    /* body */

are both much easier to read as the next parameter is easy to find.

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