Focus of Rust evolution

Let's not forget that Rust is a very young language, and given time, I'm confident it will rise to the task in the number crunching department. So although the road may me long, there's light at the end of the tunnel.

With an RFC similar to "const bounds and methods" (which needs to be significantly rewritten) we can also almost entirely get rid of the ecosystem split between const and non-const.

I think we can have fixed size iterators using const generics, see: Fixed-size lazy iterators? - #4 by Centril Also, I'd like to see some form of ArrayVec in the standard library.

There's also "const repeat expressions" which recently got accepted.

I think the solution here should be more of dependent types (we'll get dependent types for const values, let's also get them for runtime values) and refinement types atop of that. Dependent types also gives the user an extreme amount of power to program the type system for comparatively little complexity, that is: the power / complexity ratio is small.

This BsC thesis discussing a compiler explorer for CakeML might be of interest,

Instead of special syntax, we can instead introduce forms of effect polymorphism where you can say: x: Arr , Arr: unsafe Index<usize> and now you can use unsafe fn index(&self, index: Idx) -> &Self::Output; without changing the trait like so: arr[0] (see the const bounds and methods RFC for a discussion).