F32/f64 should implement Hash

You could use the ordered_float crate to wrap around those floats to be hashed. If an explicit wrapper is undesirable, there is derivative crate allowing you to customize the hash function of a field (remember to alter Eq as well).

Fun fact: NaN is not the only issue. Java implemented hashCode() wrongly making -0 and +0 produce different values, forcing Float.equals() to have a very strange semantics. You will get the same problem if you implement the hash by bit-casting the f32 to u32 without checking for ±0.

| Language             | ±0        | NaNs           |
| Java                 | Different | Same           |
| Python               | Same      | Same           |
| Ruby                 | Same      | Different      |
| Swift                | Same      | Different      |
| C++ (libc++)         | Same      | Different      |
| Rust (ordered_float) | Same      | Same           |