Cross-language safer ABI based on Rust?

The metadata rustc emits is entirely unstable and entirely unsuitable for any compiler other than the version of rustc that emitted it. For starters, it contains all sorts of super-internal data structures (HIR, MIR, …), and (AFAIK; at least today) it does not contain layout information, just the data from which layout information is computed.


I wonder if one way of tackling this would be to define ABI “levels”

  1. Exposing functions from and to, as well as (read-only) statics and constants of, primitive types ([iu]size, uN, iN, fN, [T; n], fn(...) -> ...)
  2. Exposing functions that take & and &mut references in their arguments, including slices and str
  3. Exposing item-less marker and lang-item traits and impls (Copy, Drop, Send) and allowing types marked with them to be used where primitive types (if Sized) or slices and str (if ?Sized) are
  4. Exposing other unary traits and impls, for use with static dispatch (in the side consuming types) or dynamic dispatch (across the FFI boundary)
  5. Exposing lifetimes (including references in return types)
  6. Exposing unbounded (save for markers?) generics
  7. Exposing bounded generics

In addition, for every level N there is a corresponding level Nu, which permits marking functions as unsafe, statics as mut, and (independently) *const and *mut may be used anywhere primitive types may.

  • At level 1, you have the “toy examples” of FFI, such as factorial(n: u64) -> u64.
    • Interop is trivial.
  • At level 2, you have the “small examples” of FFI, such as character counting, or predicate evaluation.
    • Interop requires enforcement of aliasing and concurrent mutation rules.
  • At level 3, you gain String, and other non-parameterized heap types, enabling things like whitespace trimming.
    • Interop requires enforcement of move semantics.
    • May be worth being a bit stricter than Rust here, for the sake of linear languages?
      • On the other hand, no Turing-complete language can actually guarantee linearity. You could always enter an infinite loop, and fail to consume values.
  • At level 4, you gain access to Clone, and a host of user-defined traits.
    • Interop requires support for traits, interfaces, multiple inheritance, or some other suitable proxy.
  • At level 5, you can take advantage of split_at() without sacrificing safety
    • Interop requires region subtyping.
  • At level 6, you gain Box<T>, Vec<T>, and some other useful containers
    • Interop requires (highly constrained) Rust codegen.
  • At level 7, you basically have full Rust interop.
    • Interop requires effectively unconstrained Rust codegen.

Most levels would either

  1. Add kinds of symbols that couldn’t exist before (like traits) or
  2. Add type specifiers to symbols that couldn’t exist before (like references or lifetimes)

As a result, not only should determining what level an API requires be possible merely by examining (mangled) symbols, it should also be possible for a client to only expose the subset of symbols permitted by the levels it supports. This probably requires the mangling expose the return type.

Ideally, it might be possible to make the mangled symbols themselves sufficient to generate bindings from.


As far as I understand lifetimes don’t exist on the ABI level. Calling a function that takes a “thin” reference is the same as calling a function that takes a raw pointer.

For specific lifetime declarations the solution might need to be something closer to source-level descriptions, conceptually closer to C headers.

That’s true at the calling conventions level of ABI, but what about the name mangling level? I’d argue these two functions really, really ought to be mangled differently in a “safer ABI”:

fn foo<'a, 'b>(&'a u32, &'b u32) -> &'a u32;
fn foo<'a, 'b>(&'a u32, &'b u32) -> &'b u32;

This takes you from an ABI that allows API creators to go as low as a -7 on the “hard to misuse” scale with lifetimes, and moves you all the way up to a mandatory +9, where the linker won’t let you get it wrong.

It’s the difference between “a one-character typo in a header causes non-deterministic segfaults” and “a one-character typo in a header causes the build to fail.”


I think those have different mangling if the type is still involved, because the hashing (which TypeId thus Any also uses) is supposed to take those lifetimes into account (after canonicalizing them), so 0 vs 1 will be hashed at one point.

I think nailing down the unsafe code guidelines for Rust would be a prerequisite to any effort like this. You can’t expose & and &mut in an ABI if you haven’t even decided what they really mean yet.

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I don't think a cross-language, baked-in-stone mangling scheme should be based on hashing. It's both harder to extend compatibly. and harder to debug.

I agree, I was simply stating the status quo.

I disagree - in safe code, the meaning of & and &mut are quite well-defined: & is multiple aliases may exist but mutation may not occur while borrowed, and &mut means that only one such reference may exist, and mutation can occur through it.

Unless the Nu levels are implemented, this is sufficient, and work on this can proceed.

Furthermore, even aside from that, a “safer ABI based on Rust” does not necessarily need to have exactly Rust’s definition of unsafe - it may, in fact, end up being prudent to ban the Nu levels entirely, or say that the aliasing/mutability guarantees of references from this ABI may never be violated, even within unsafe.

Either of those would suffice.

I think things are a lot more complicated than that. In particular, your definition doesn't actually hold, even in safe Rust.

In particular, multiple mutable references to the same object can exist at the same time, it's just that the borrow checker ensures that you can only use one at any given time. Anyway, unless you propose to have a standardized cross-language borrowck, this isn't particularly helpful for defining an ABI.

Apart from that, unsafe code is a reality and any realistic proposal would have to deal with that. You can't even write the Rust standard library without unsafe code.

Anyway, it seems like the safe Rust <-> unsafe Rust "abi" would be the ideal case for working out compatibility concerns (starting with the fact that it's not actually an ABI). If we can't do that, there's no hope of making languages interoperate.

There’s a reason I specified #2 and #5 in the order (and at the distance) that I did: #2 permits one to pass access to data to functions without passing ownership (and does not permit retaining that access). Meanwhile #5 does indeed require a full borrow checker. That’s why it’s the last step before the ones that require Rust codegen.

The onus #2 places on the client language is quite small: It must ensure &mut arguments to functions do not alias and are not observed during the execution of the function, and it must ensure that & arguments to functions are not mutated during execution of the function.

This is really no worse than restrict in C, with the added benefit that making the mangling capture it allows client languages stronger than C to actually enforce such guarantees statically.

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This may be a nitpick, but would you exclude UnsafeCell and its derivatives from this ABI? (wherein & only refers to sharing, and internal bits can be mutated.)

Hm, that’s a good point. There’s definitely a balance to strike there.

On the one hand that’s going to be kind of tough to specify.

On the other hand, UnsafeCell itself can’t be passed as a value or a (direct) reference argument until level 6, which means that any such mutation is necessarily “hidden” exclusively on one side of the FFI boundary until then.

…and since at that point, you already have at least some Rust codegen, that certainly implies sufficiently close semantics it should be a non-issue.

So, I think I’ve talked myself into the conclusion “It’s not a problem in practice, because by the time an UnsafeCell can bubble up past the FFI boundary in any observable way, you already have the tools to deal with it.”

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