package policies

I strongly disagree with this. I personally dislike trying to remember exactly which person's fork of a particular project is best at a given time. This is exactly the current situation with xargo, and I find it immensely frustrating:

Though I've typed the keystrokes for running xargo forks, if you were to ask me to remember which is the best xargo fork offhand, I couldn't.

Finding a non-disruptive way to carry the project forward, IMO, is the best solution. Anything else is a technological solution to a social problem.

But let's say everyone decides to agree to disagree, and there is no clear path forward. Personally I find a short, pithy name for carrying the project name forward is a lot easier to remember than attaching a particular person's name to it. The problem with the latter is at any given time there may be any number of people competing for ownership of the project and you may have tried their many forks and each of them fixed a few things but not others and eventually it becomes a big blur in your brain, and I am not talking hypothetically here, this is literally the current situation with xargo.

If someone were to create a new crate named zargo (presently unclaimed, go snag it if you think it's a cool name!), that's something that I'd actually remember, and if it turned out to be good, I think everyone could easily remember xargo => zargo. The current name of the project is literally a play on cargo already.

If you're asking me to pick between:

  • herpaderp/xargo
  • zargo

...I think zargo wins hands down.

In the event someone squats on zargo, but someone is legitimately interested in finding a better name for their xargo fork, ping me and I can spitball some ideas.


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