Auto wrap of () in Ok() for functions returning Result<(), Error_Type>

Although the idea has its place, it's a bit too cumbersome - the "try" syntax doesn't belong in Rust, although that might just be might own opinionated mind speaking. It does have its use, namely:

let result: Result<i32, ParseIntError> = try {
        + "2".parse::<i32>()?
        + "3".parse::<i32>()?

however, it's a bit different from a silent wrap in an Ok at the end. This is explicit, a wrap isn't - which is where its beauty lies and why we're able to omit the Units at the end of the functions' body.

That's actually very neat - I might just use it the next time. A silent wrap would still be better.

Yup, exactly my point. I especially relate to this:

I understand the logic behind the Unit, but the parenthesis were never meant to wrap an empty space. If we know there's nothing to return, and we know we need to return a Result, let's just do it.

Another reason why I'd love to have a silent Ok wrapper is that it doesn't change anything - no new language constructs, no complexities - just a compiler to check to see if there's a () at the end of a function that should be returning a Result<(), _> - and silently handling it. No complications.

Oh, wow - really? Didn't know that. So each and every time I end a statement I actually return a Unit from it? That's fascinating to know. But I still want my wrappers.