Another specialization discussion: what about add a `or` clause

Are you talking about this thread


trait Is<T> {
    fn is(&self);

impl<A, B> Is<A> for B {
    default fn is(&self) {

impl<T> Is<T> for T {
    fn is(&self) {

fn is_static_str<N: Is<&'static str>>(t: N) {;

fn fully_generic_wrapper_function_without_trait_bound<N>(t: N) {

fn main() {
    let static_str: &'static str = "hey";

    let deallocated_at_end_of_main: String = "hello".to_string();
    let not_static_str: &'_ str = deallocated_at_end_of_main.as_str();

    is_static_str(static_str); // Ok, prints "yes"
    is_static_str(0u32); // Ok, prints "no"
    is_static_str(&0u32); // Ok, prints "no"
    // is_static_str(not_static_str); // Error, borrowed value does not live long enough

    fully_generic_wrapper_function_without_trait_bound(static_str); // yes
    fully_generic_wrapper_function_without_trait_bound(0u32); // no
    fully_generic_wrapper_function_without_trait_bound(&0u32); // no
    fully_generic_wrapper_function_without_trait_bound(not_static_str); // yes (no Error!)

In this case,

fn is_static_str<N: Is<&'static str>>(t: N) {; // fine, since t:N impl Is<...>
fn fully_generic_wrapper_function_without_trait_bound<N>(t: N) {
    // how we could ensure N: Is<&'static str>?

IMHO, It is because calling is_static_str::<N> for a arbitary N is unsound that cause such problem.

What's more, currently, we could not impl <T:Bar or Baz> Foo for T (both [T; 0] and [T:Copy; N] could be Copy, but currently rustc just couldn't mark both of them as Copy)

error[E0119]: conflicting implementations of trait `Foo`
6 | default impl <T:Bar> Foo for T{}
  | ------------------------------ first implementation here
7 | default impl <T:Baz> Foo for T{}
  | ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ conflicting implementation

error: aborting due to previous error

For more information about this error, try `rustc --explain E0119`.


trait Foo{}
trait Bar{}
trait Baz{}
default impl <T:Bar> Foo for T{}
default impl <T:Baz> Foo for T{}
impl<T:Bar+Baz> Foo for T{}
impl Bar for i32{}
impl Baz for i32{}
fn main(){}